Truely I have achieved a certain something when one of my postings can be included in an Iain Dale Daily Dozen.
It was on the Total Politics blog so the enormous volume of traffic suddenly heading towards it failed to upset this host.
But below is the post (you'll have to go to the original to find a couple of helpful comments left by readers). I can offer this extra tidbit though. The Lady in question is Lady King, wife of former Tory MP Tom King.
So you’re on the parish council and you are bombarded by complaints from residents because a combination of crap SatNav, poor signage and a company which doesn’t care means HGVs are churning up your village.
You complain to the company (they refuse to take your calls).
You complain to your district councillor (he doesn’t respond and hasn’t been seen in months)
You complain to the district council planners (they take months to respond and then decide there is nothing they can do)
You complain to the highways authority (they can help but it’s going to take time and it’s a bit complicated)
You complain to your county councillor (she’s sympathetic, nothing is done)
You complain to the police (oh, sorry are you still on hold?)
Alternative scenario.
You are a Lady and your husband is a Lord and you live on a route
which these HGVs use and you are not at all happy about these dirty
great vehicles crashing round the roads at all hours.
You complain directly to the leader of the county council
who you know and a meeting involving the police, highways officials and
the company responsible for these HGVs is arranged at a week’s notice.
From this evidence do I understand that the feudal system in rural areas is still with us or merely that all the people who should take responsibility only jump when the biggest foot connects with their 'no though route'?
Perhaps recruiting some landed gentry on to the parish council is the answer; but it seems a touch regressive.