Rob Evans and I filed a piece for yesterday's Guardian's online edition as the ICO's hotline for workers who fear they have been blacklisted went live. (Ring 08456 306060 by the way and have your NI number handy).
Alex Ralph blogs on the issue and ties it in quite nicely with the miners strike anniversary and the Shrewsbury pickets campaign.
I'm indebted, as ever, to the TUC's excellent Risks magazine which rounds up some of the union responses to the story.
Bob Crow from the RMT talks about anecdotal evidence of his members having been blacklisted because of their union activities. Scottish TUC issued a statement. Unite talk about possible claims arising from this although other unions are a bit more coy because it's going to be difficult to prove. Unite have also mounted an internal investigation because of the suggestion that some of their reps may have colluded in the blacklisting. It may well be that this story, far from being a boost for unions, could well shine some light on activities which might make them some feel a little uncomfortable.