Political weekly Tribune publishes a short item today on its new board now that it's confirmed Kevin McGrath as the new owner (more on McGrath here and here).
The report says:
The board also decided to set in motion plans for a ring-fenced budgeted promotions programme and a re-launch. It also agreed to set up an editorial advisory board from within the Labour Party and the trade unions.
The board is chaired by Mr McGrath and attended by the editor. Its members are: Joe Holder, lawyer; Gill Morris, head of public affairs agency Connect (see also); Ivor Gaber, freelance journalist and consultant (see also); John Braggins, former senior official with the Labour Party; and political affairs consultant (see also) and Mark McDonald, an international human rights lawyer (see also). The posts are voluntary.
The links are mine
Declaration of interest: I write for Tribune, mostly book reviews. They bought me a couple of drinks at their last Christmas bash. I'm cheap, me.