Got some reading to do for tomorrow, feeling knackered and know there are some long days ahead - but now it's coming towards 11pm thinking "why not stay up for the presidential debate?"
The last time I didn't get to bed until 5pm and was wired on coffee. But this could be a ding dong affair tonight/tomorrow morning.
Saw Recount on TV last night having recorded it from Sunday. It's about the Florida recounts in 2000. Pretty good but a lot of liberal actors getting serious about the constitution and hanging chads only tells half the story. The scandal of black voters systematically disenfranchised by the state was sidelined. Also, the whole way the companies who made the voting machines won the contract and operated was ignored.
There were plenty of clips from television shows in Recount reporting on the story, but not explaining or digging into it. Not American journalism's finest hour (Greg Palast excepted).
And Mr Palast has an interesting way of countering electoral fraud this time round (you thought it only happend in 2000? Check out Ohio in 2004). A comic book called Steal Back Your Vote. Whatever gets people motivated I guess.